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Child Care Subsidy Program:  Opportunities Due to COVID-19 Emergency

The State of Maine is offering subsidized childcare for Essential Employees. DHHS's Office of Child and Family Services (OCFS) will subsidize child care for households where all parents/guardians are essential employees, working outside of their homes, in need of regular child care provided by a non-relative (until 6/30/20 or two weeks after the end of the civil emergency, whichever is soonest):

  1. Subsidy will be paid directly to child care providers on behalf of essential employees currently working outside of their home during the civil emergency.

  2. Any households where all parents/guardians are deemed essential employees under the civil state of emergency can apply, regardless of income.

  3. While income requirements will be waived, income information will still be requested in order to assess whether families are eligible for the standard Child Care Subsidy Program, which would provide a longer period of eligibility.

  4. All CCSP rules apply, except income requirements and any other COVID-related exemptions, and can be located at:

  5. Essential employees can apply for child care subsidy by downloading and returning (by mail, fax or email) the full CCSP application located at:

  6. Essential employees may choose their own child care provider, who is a non-relative, or locate a child care provider by visiting:

  7. Providers not currently accepting subsidy will be required to complete a CCSP Provider Agreement (Note: Catherine Morrill Day Nursery already has a CCSP Provider Agreement on file.)

  8. Applications will be expedited and processed in the order they are received

  9. Questions can be directed to the Child Care Subsidy Program by calling 1-877-680-5866 or 207-624-7999 or emailing

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